Year 3/4 Owls
Welcome to Year 3/4 - Owls!
Welcome back everyone!
What a wonderful feeling it is to be back at school with my brand new Owls!
It has been great to see all the pupils settle back really well. We have a very exciting year ahead of us with lots of great activities planned!
Who's who?
I am the class teacher and my name is Mrs Sajjad.
Miss Ashton and Mrs Gillibrand will also be with us in the Owls every day and will be supporting the curriculum when the pupils are split for specific Year group objectives. This will mainly be in Maths and English.
Our Learning
The children will cover a vast range of topics as part of their learning. From the Stone Age to learning a little bit about the history of Blackburn- it's all very exciting! Please see the termly newsletter if you would like more details about the subjects we cover in our class. In the Owls, we encourage independence and reflection towards our learning. Children will be given lots of opportunities to improve work and discuss ways in which they can achieve their goals.
Home responsibilities
Please ensure that your child reads 4 times per week. Please send in their purple bags every Monday. Weekly homework will be set for children to complete in their homework books. Sometimes, the homework will be set online on Purple Mash, Mathletics and Times Tables Rockstars. The Owls have their login details so please encourage your child to go on these sites to complete homework as and when they need to. Please check to see if your child completes their tasks- if you have any questions about this then please do ask me!
Keep up to date with the latest news.