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Knowledge begins with respect for God. (Proverbs 1:7)

St Matthew's C of E
Primary School

Live, Love, Learn


Nursery School

Learning Together

Year 6 - Eagles


Welcome to Year 6 - Eagles!

Hello and welcome to Eagles’ class page. We are Year 6 and the children are in their final year at primary school. It is an exceptionally busy year, not only as we work towards our SATs, but also full of exciting trips, activities, events and responsibilities.
Our motto for Eagles is “Work Hard...Play Hard”, led by our class staff team - Mrs Matthew and Mrs Mulla.

Part of our working hard involves regular reading at home and in school. Homework is given out on Friday and should be returned on the following Friday. The activities usually reflect the learning of that week and often consists of English, Maths, Spellings or other tasks. School provides a reading diary for parents to sign to confirm completion of their nightly reading - we expect our children to read at least four times a week.

In class, our first topic of the year is Crime and Punishment through the Ages. We study Shakespeare's  “Macbeth”  and visit Pendle Hill to experience where the "Pendle Witches" lived. After Christmas, we then move onto our "Citadels of Democracy" topic, in both our literacy and wider curriculum. We learn about how democracy has evolved in our country and then compare with another country. 

 In May, Year 6 children must sit their SATs. There are tests in Reading; Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar; and Maths. Writing and science are also assessed.  We always work hard to prepare for these exams, but we know that once they are over, there are lots of treats in store! Our first reward is the end of year hoodies that we wear every day until the end of term.
Throughout the year, we also organise and run the yearly Macmillan Coffee Morning and School Book Fair to raise money. This year we are also leading the school's Remembrance Service in November and Christingle in December.
Finally, at the end of the year, we hold a special Leavers’ Prom event, where we dress up in our finest and have a special meal. Last year it was held at Blackburn Rovers Football club. The children design and create Year Books as a keepsake of their primary years and perform a Leavers' Assembly on their final day in school.
As we’ve said – it’s a frantic, but fantastic year and we know that it is one the children will always remember!

Below are some websites that have links to Year 6 activities.

As with the rest of the online learning websites, we do recommend that you supervise the sites alongside your children, to ensure online safety is maintained. A helpful guide for parents and activities to complete with your child are available on the following website:  

We thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Matthew and Mrs Mulla

Oak National Academy: 

Online lessons and activities

BBC Primary resources : 

Activities for all subjects

Mathletics - 

Mathletics is an online platform that school already uses and that most of you will be familiar with. It contains maths concepts for your children to revise and practise. Your child has their very own login details for this. 

Times Table Rockstars - 

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Your child has their very own login details for this too.

Purple Mash - 

Purple Mash is a fantastic site that has many different activities for your children to explore. It is used in school to support children with their learning across many areas of the curriculum, especially computing. 

To logon to the website, you will first need to find the school’s login page by clicking on ‘Find my school’s login page.’ Then you will need your child’s login details - which they already have (usually written inside their home-reading journal).

Letterjoin - handwriting

History and Geography links 


Scholastic Learn at Home   (Alternatively you can use google to search for ‘Scholastic Learn at Home’)

This is another website that has been set up specifically for school closures. It has stories and activities based around various different topics that link to your children’s learning. More activities are being added to the site every day.

Music resources:

Royal Scottish National Opera       


Create a Samba band at home using everyday objects from the kitchen. Watch them play before they show you how to do it at home.


David Walliam’s Marvellous Musical Podcast 

Listen to David Walliam’s podcast as he introduces the whole family to classical music. There are ten episodes to enjoy.


Google classroom

What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is a collaboration tool for teachers and pupils. Your child has their own username and password so they can access our Eagles' Google Classroom via the internet on any device. As well as using Google Classroom to complete tasks within school - we will create and assign homework tasks via Google Classroom too!